Thursday, December 15, 2016

Snow Dance

I guess our snow dance did a little magic! We enjoyed playing in the snow and catching snowflakes! I wish you all a wonderful winter break and we will see you in the New Year! Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Learning about Empathy

We are starting a new unit in our Second Steps Curriculum.
This unit is about empathy.
These are the following objectives:
·      name feelings when presented with physical cues
·      name feelings when presented with environmental and situational cues
·      compare physical and emotional similarities and differences between two children
·      demonstrate that people can have different feelings about the same situation
·      demonstrate welcoming and inviting behaviors
·      know what the word accident means
·      know what to say when they do something by accident
·      predict how others might feel as a result of their own or others’ actions
·      predict how others might feel as a result of their own or others’ actions
·      recall that listening, saying kind words, and helping are three ways to show caring
·      demonstrate caring and helping in response to scenarios

Throughout this unit, there are a few home links. That means we will be sending home an activity that reinforces the skill being taught and practiced in class. Look out for these in the homework folders. We hope you enjoy practicing these important and valuable skills at home!