Friday, February 17, 2017

Letter Writing Unit

                                                                                 February 2017
Dear Families,

We are starting a new writing unit: Letter Writing

Unit Overview: The unit teaches the structures and conventions of letter writing. It also revisits the concept of opinion writing by guiding students through the process of writing a persuasive letter. Encourage your child to use technology and email a letter or write a letter and place it in the mailbox!

Here are student goals for this unit:
·      students will write a thank you, friendly, and persuasive letter that includes: date, salutation, body, closing and signature,
·      students will use their opinions to write a persuasive letter
·      students will use correct ending punctuation
·      students will capitalize the first word of each sentence, the pronoun “I,” proper nouns (people’s names, days, months) and titles (Mr. Mrs., etc.)

     Mrs. Humphrey and Ms. Edenstrom

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