Friday, February 24, 2017

H.W. week of 2/27

There will be homework next week,  but no spelling. Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

AMOR auction

Dear Families, 
   Yesterday you should have received AMOR Atkinson Auction Ticket sale form (yellow). You can return the form to the office or place the order online at
      We want to give a bog shout out to Jessica for organizing and creating our beautiful classroom item! Thank you for your hard work! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Free Reading Fair this weekend!~

This is one of my favorite free events University of Portland does. I plan on taking Walker and having fun doing the activities and getting a free book! Maybe I will see some of you there! Happy Wednesday!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Pointillism Artwork

Mrs. Humphrey and Ms. Edenstrom

We made pointillism paintings in the style of Georges Seurat. We began by looking at pictures of butterflies, and then we sketched symmetrical designs onto butterfly templates. Lastly, we painted over the designs with dots using Q-tips. We used primary colors and made secondary colors by painting two primary colors close together. Enjoy visiting the symmetrical butterfly exhibit!

Spelling week of 2/20

Spelling List 3.6
bigger, biggest, faster, fastest, slower, slowest, shorter, shortest, sadder, saddest, good-bye, before

Spelling List 3.6  List 2
brighter, cleanest, happiest, bravest, tightest, looser, faintest, plainest, dimmest, nicest, gadget, budget

Letter Writing Unit

                                                                                 February 2017
Dear Families,

We are starting a new writing unit: Letter Writing

Unit Overview: The unit teaches the structures and conventions of letter writing. It also revisits the concept of opinion writing by guiding students through the process of writing a persuasive letter. Encourage your child to use technology and email a letter or write a letter and place it in the mailbox!

Here are student goals for this unit:
·      students will write a thank you, friendly, and persuasive letter that includes: date, salutation, body, closing and signature,
·      students will use their opinions to write a persuasive letter
·      students will use correct ending punctuation
·      students will capitalize the first word of each sentence, the pronoun “I,” proper nouns (people’s names, days, months) and titles (Mr. Mrs., etc.)

     Mrs. Humphrey and Ms. Edenstrom

Friday, February 10, 2017

Speeling week of 2/13

Spelling List 3.5
her, first, bird, girl, burn, were, shirt, fur, hurt, sir, visit, done

Spelling List 3.5  List 2
circle, birthmark, thirsty, turkey, thirteen, verse, kernel, injury, furnace, furniture, surprise, yesterday

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

kleenex please

Dear Families,

          A couple of things we want to share with you:

1.     We are out of Kleenex, lots of runny noses! If you can please donate a kleenex box at your earliest convenience we would appreciate it!

2.    We have graham crackers and pretzels for Valentine’s Day next week. If you would like to donate something (please refer to listed items on the letter I sent home, found on the blog as well), please email me at  Please send your child with a shoebox or paper bag to collect Valentines next Tuesday.

3.    Don’t forget to check our blog. You can find important information on it as well as pictures of our adventures in class:

4.    Know of any families with children entering Kindergarten? Encourage them to check out Atkinson!

5.    Coming up, we will be sending math homework called “home connections.” There is no need to return the activity. Enjoy playing the game/activity with your child.

Thank you for your support!

         Mrs. Humphrey & Ms. Edenstrom

Thursday, February 2, 2017

In class field trip

We had an in class field trip from the Audubon Society of Portland. We shared observations, discussed different animals and their habitats. We examined animal skins and skulls. We are so fortunate to have had this opportunity!

Spelling for 2-6

Spelling List 3.4

1.     ask

2.    asked
      3.    plan

4.    planned

5.    help

6.    helped

7.    jog

8.    jogged

9.    call

10.  called

11.   again

12.  soon

 Spelling List 2 3.4

1.     omitted

2.    omitting

3.    occurred

4.    occurring

5.    starred

6.    starring

7.    target

8.    charming

9.    marble

10.  sparkle

11.   partner

12.  charcoal