Monday, October 31, 2016

November Dates

Coming this November:
November 3: Picture Retake Day
                     Assembly: ask your child about it
November 9: Conferences (sent home reminder of date and time in H.W. folders last week. If you need to reschedule, please email me!)
November 10: Conferences
November 11: NO SCHOOL, Veteran’s Day
November 14: Garden, please dress appropriately
November 23-25 NO SCHOOL

Friday, October 28, 2016

Halloween & Wellness Festival!


Every year we receive many questions regarding Halloween.  I would like to remind everyone that we do not promote the bringing of sugary treats or candy on this day.  Additionally, we do not promote the wearing of costumes as it takes away from the learning environment. Many classrooms are having a harvest fest and they will look forward to the activities that they will experience here at school, in their classroom on Monday and/or throughout the week.  Thus, we ask that you do not send your child in a costume and do not send sugary treats on this day.  We appreciate your support.

Wellness Fest:

Atkinson's Fall into Fitness Fest, sponsored by the PTA, is this Friday, October 28th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the school cafeteria and gym. Come and explore 14 stations focused on FITNESS, HEALTH and SAFETY. Please note, while "taster" snacks will be served at the Food and Nutrition Station, this is not a specific food event, so please plan to have dinner before attending the event. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

No spelling for HW this week

As you may have noticed the kids only have math homework and nightly reading this week. We just finished our first Unit of our reading curriculum and are wrapping up assessments. Thank you for your support.

Monday, October 24, 2016


Ms. Edenstrom appreciated all the support! She said she could hear you all cheering for her and loved your posters. Go Pilots!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Cheer on Miss Edenstrom and the Pilots soccer team! FREE TICKETS for students

Dear Atkinson Parents and Families,

       As you may know Miss Edenstrom plays soccer at the University of Portland. A lot of you have expressed interest in coming to see a game and she wanted to inform you of the upcoming schedule. This weekend they play their last home games, Friday, October 21st, at 7:00pm and Sunday, October 23rd, at 1:00pm. Before Sunday’s game the seniors will be recognized for their soccer and academic achievements while at the University. Miss Edenstrom was able to get a free ticket for all of the students for both Friday’s and Sunday’s game for any of those interested in coming! If you do decide to come just bring the tickets attached to the letter (sent home 10/19) and they will let the students in for free. Unfortunately, anyone else attending will have to pay the cost of attendance. Hope to see and hear some of you cheering, go Pilots!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Reunification Permission Form

We have received many Reunification Permission Forms, but are missing quite a few. Please return the form as soon as possible. If you need another copy, please visit the office or let me know.  The Reunification Drill is taking place this Friday October 21st.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Marc Chagall

We had a great day! We had a special visit to the garden and ate some cauliflower popcorn. We learned about Marc Chagall and discussed his fantasy and realistic images. Check out our artwork!

Monday, October 10, 2016

4 day school week

Just a friendly reminder that we do not have school this Friday, October 14th. We will still have our practice spelling test on Wednesday and will do the test on Thursday. In addition to homework, please make sure to read at least 20 minutes every night.

Donors Choose

I have registered our classroom on, an amazing website where individuals can contribute to public schools. Throughout the year, I will post requests for resources that will help make your child’s time at school even more engaging, dynamic, and enriching.
Please spread the word about our classroom page.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fall Into Wellness Festival October 28

A note from Sheryl:
I am heading up the PTA committee for a school community event at the end of this month called Fall Into Wellness Fest. It will be held on Friday, October 28th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the school cafeteria and gym. 

The event is being held to provide our school community with information and activities on fitness, health, and safety: Each child attending will receive a passport booklet and families can visit as many stations as they want. Once they've completed the station's activity they will receive a stamp or sticker in their passport. There will be an overall fall harvest/Halloween theme and students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes. Stations will include (subject to slight changes):

Food and Nutrition, Running Club, Outdoor Learning Garden, Earthquake Preparedness, Climbing (Bouldering) Wall, Atkinson Basketball league, yoga, Latin Dance, Walk and Bike to School, Fire Safety, as well as stations on overall Health and Wellness and Social and Emotional Learning supported by our school counselor, Mr. Barr. 

Our Food/Nutrition committee is working on snacks for the event. Should be a fun time! 

Please plan to attend with your family. We'd also love your help in preparing for the event, or on the night of the event!

TO VOLUNTEER - Please contact Sheryl Walsh at or 503-679-0143, there is much to do and we need your help!


The Oregon Children's Theatre visited Atkinson today! They presented The Adventures of the Tartar Patrol, a play about dental health. A big thank you to Kaiser for bringing this free assembly to our school! Ask your child about what they can do to have healthy teeth!